PostGraphile quickstart

This quickstart guide will help you get PostGraphile up and running with Container Apps on Crunchy Bridge. We recommend you start with the Container Apps Quickstart to get a general understanding of Container Apps.

About PostGraphile

From the project:

Instant lightning-fast GraphQL API backed primarily by your PostgreSQL database. Highly customisable and extensible thanks to incredibly powerful plugin system. Formerly "PostGraphQL".

PostGraphile with container apps quickstart

First, make sure you have Container Apps enabled. As a user with superuser privileges, run CREATE EXTENSION pgpodman; to install the extension in the postgres database of the desired cluster.

Next, find your cluster's database URL to include as the DATABASE_URL parameter when you run the container. You can find the URL in the Connection section of the cluster dashboard (choose the application role), or by running cb uri --role application <cluster name> on the command line.

To start your PostGraphile, run the following using your own value for DATABASE_URL:

SELECT run_container('-dt -p 5433:5000/tcp -e DATABASE_URL="your-database-URL" --privileged

Now you can visit your running PostGraphile at your-host-URL:5433. You can find your Host URL in the Overview section of your cluster dashboard, or by running cb info <cluster name>.