User account

If you created an account or were added to a team, you will have an individual user account inside Crunchy Bridge. You can access your account settings by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the dashboard.

There are a number of configurable account settings, including:

  • Account preferences: Edit your name, email, and default team.
  • Theme settings: for system, light, or dark mode interface.
  • Login: Your SSO details, access to change your password, set up Multi-factor authentication, or remove password (for SSO only logins).
  • Notifications: Opt in or out of system notifications for database failovers, resizes, and invoicing. Most notifications are configurable, but some related to account security (e.g. email changed or password changed) are not.
  • API Keys: Manage your API keys. See more about Getting started with the API.
  • Join teams: When logged in via SSO, you may join teams that are configured to let members join automatically.
  • Marketing preferences: Opt in or out of educational and marketing emails from Crunchy Data.

If you want to completely delete your account from Crunchy Bridge, please open a support ticket.