Disaster recovery

Ensuring your database is safe and available is a key tenet for Crunchy Bridge. Disaster recovery is automatically enabled for all databases, ensuring that your database can be recovered in the event of a failure or disaster.

Disaster recovery is the process of archiving your data to an additional data store that is typically cold storage. The cold storage offers 11 9s (99.999999999% of durability) providing strong reliability for not losing data.

Disaster recovery is accomplished by capturing a base backup from Postgres and streaming the WAL (write-ahead-log) continuously. In the event of a disaster, we will automatically restore from the most recent base backup and then replay the WAL to the most recent moment in time.

Since disaster recovery is enabled on all databases, there are no additional steps or actions you have to take.

Recovery time

Disaster recovery times are not a guaranteed time as the amount of WAL that must be restored correlates to your transaction volume, not your database size.

For a rough guidance: disaster recovery takes about 1 hr per 200 GB of data, though it can take longer at times if you have a high throughput transaction database.